Voice Lessons Cleveland, OH

What Makes Our Music School Special?

Our Voice Teachers Have Years Of Teaching & Performing Experience

You deserve the opportunity to work with a skilled, experienced vocal instructor, and the Aurora School of Music will provide exactly that. Our faculty members have worked professionally in operas, oratorios, recitals, pop settings, and jazz concerts, and they can share their experience in a diverse set of genres with you or your child. Furthermore, our teachers have all earned advanced degrees in music, many from the nation’s top music schools.They have learned from some of the best minds in vocal pedagogy, and they would love to pass that knowledge on.

Meet the Teachers

Experience Live Performance Opportunities

Sharing the music you have practiced with family, friends, and peers can be incredibly rewarding, so several times per year, we reserve our professional recital space for student concerts. You will have the opportunity to sing for an audience, be accompanied by a professional pianist, and even collaborate with other musicians. You may also sing with peers in one of our vocal ensembles, and our thriving jazz program welcomes jazz vocalists as well.

Benefit From Professional Expertise

Listening to professional singers perform and teach can be one of the best ways to learn, and each year, the Aurora School of Music welcomes concert musicians as Artists in Residence. They will sing, teach qualifying students, and conduct masterclasses. This can be particularly inspiring to high school singers who are contemplating a career in music, but our child and adult students will be able to benefit from these visits as well. For more information about this program, get in touch!

We Teach Singers of All Skill Levels

Beginner Voice Lessons In Cleveland, OH

Are you a new singer with no education or vocal experience? Don’t worry – you don’t have to audition to enroll in lessons. We enjoy working with beginners, helping them breathe and sing healthfully, and teaching them to make music. We believe that anyone can learn to sing beautifully, read music, and count rhythms, and our teachers will equip you with the fundamentals of music so that you can be a confident and independent vocalist, even when we’re not there to help.

Voice Lessons For Advanced Singers

In addition to beginner voice lessons, our faculty helps advanced singers reach the next level in their craft. Whether you are a teenager auditioning for theatre shows or university, a grad student preparing to gig work, or an advanced amateur with years of singing experience, we would love to work with you. We can help you expand your vocal range, deepen your sound, increase your ability to project, and help you avoid tension as you work through challenging repertoire. Schedule a trial lesson to see if one of our teachers would be a good fit.

Voice Lessons for Kids, Teens and Adults

Singing Lessons For Children And Teens

Should you enroll your child in voice lessons in Cleveland? Yes – learning to breathe properly, project a beautiful sound, count, and read music is incredibly valuable for kids. We will introduce your child to the fundamentals of music, including clefs, time signatures, intervals, and more, and whether they choose to pursue the art of singing in the future, it will have been a worthwhile use of time. It can also be helpful for the same teacher to guide your child’s singing through their voice change – please get in touch if you have any questions.

Voice Lessons For Adults

Do you want to join a choir, sing in a rock band, participate in worship, or experience another singing outlet? We would love to help you enrich your life through music. Young professionals, busy parents, and retired adults are all welcome to join the community at Aurora School of Music, and even if you have no prior singing experience, we are happy to work with you. We help talented singers, folks who believe they are tone deaf, and everyone in between find their voice and reach their goals.

What Genres Do We Teach?

Our teachers are skilled in opera, jazz, and other genres, and we can help you learn Broadway repertoire, Bel Canto literature, arias, jazz standards, and rock songs. Each genre has different techniques and considerations, and we will tailor technical exercises and drills to help you improve your range, tone, and vocal elasticity.That said, the fundamentals we impart to students are useful in any genre you wish to pursue – the basics of vocal production and breathing are largely the same from niche to niche.

Schedule a Trial Today

It takes no risk on your part to see if you enjoy Cleveland, OH voice lessons at the Aurora School of Music – sign up for a trial lesson today. Our teachers would enjoy working with you, and we are confident that your singing will improve after your very first lesson. Please contact us for more information.